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Audio | Title | Genre | Location | Durat. | Lyrics | Notes | |
Oh, you're a cat, a cat | Lullaby | Vyazova, Krasnokutskyi District | 00:29 |
Ой ти, коту, коту, | |||
The cat is gray | Lullaby | Sheludkivka, Zmiivskyi District | 00:24 |
Котику сіренький, | |||
Like Halochka | Wedding | Sheludkivka, Zmiivskyi District | 02:48 |
Походила та й Галочка по кімнаті,
| |||
The older friend is hunchbacked | Wedding | Sheludkivka, Zmiivskyi District | 00:21 |
Старша дружка горбата, Старша дружка горбата, | |||
The elder boyar is hunchbacked | Wedding | Sheludkivka, Zmiivskyi District | 00:22 |
Старший бояр горбатій, | |||
Already Galina is leaving | Wedding | Ustvytsia, Velykobahachanskyi District | 01:36 |
Вже й Галина та й на відході, Вже й Галина та й на відході, Рости, рости, мій орішечку, Рости, рости, мій орішечку, Рости, рости, та й укоренися, Рости, рости, та й укоренися, | |||
Vasylko went down the hill | Wedding | Ustvytsia, Velykobahachanskyi District | 01:50 |
З`їхав Василько на гірку, Та його тещенька стрічає, Та його батенько встрічає, Та його Марійка встрічає, | |||
Oh, there is a black raven on the viburnum | Personal and Family Life | Ustvytsia, Velykobahachanskyi District | 01:50 |
Ой на калині чорний ворон кряче. –Та я недавно сиротою стала. Нараяли сиротині люди: (далі текст, як в сусідній Матяшівці) | |||
The older friend is a chip | Wedding | Ustvytsia, Velykobahachanskyi District | 00:18 |
Старша дружка-стружка, Старша дружка-стружка, | |||
The senior boyar is paid | Wedding | Ustvytsia, Velykobahachanskyi District | 00:19 |
Старший боярин патлатий, Старший боярин патлатий, | |||
Forge, forge, the blacksmith | Nursery Rhyme | Doroshivka, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:13 | ||||
Pat-a-cake | Nursery Rhyme | Doroshivka, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:10 | ||||
Beetroot | Mechnikove, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:53 |
А в чужого хазяїна А в чужого хазяїна | ||||
And at the in-laws, the eyes are dancing | Wedding | Mechnikove, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:14 |
А на свашкі очіпочок пляше, | |||
Boyars in vines | Wedding | Mechnikove, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:12 |
Бояри й у лози, Бояри й у лози, | |||
Swing, swing | Nursery Rhyme | Mechnikove, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:06 | ||||
But my daddy (calling for my father) | Lament | Mykolaivka, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:35 |
Та мій же ти папанєчка, та мій же ти дорогий, | |||
The elder scythe | Wedding | Ochkine, Seredyno-Budskyi District | 00:20 |
Старша святилка коса, | |||
A dove flew | Personal and Family Life | Dukhovnyche, Okhtyrskyi District | 06:21 | ||||
Oh, home brew, home brew | Personal and Family Life | Dukhovnyche, Okhtyrskyi District | 03:52 |
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Digital Archive of Folklore of Sloboda Ukraine and Poltava Region is an online home for the authentic musical folklore of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
The site features the best examples of traditional music: carols, shchedrivky, chumak songs, spring songs, Cossack songs, and lullabies. All materials are created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest use of the materials on the site for educational, research, and educational purposes, provided that the source is cited.
The site presents the best examples of traditional music: carols, schedrivkas, Chumat songs, freckle songs, Cossack songs, lullabies. All materials were created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest possible use of the materials posted on the site for educational, research and educational purposes, provided that the source is referenced.