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Audio | Title | Genre | Location | Durat. | Lyrics | Notes | |
Mouse, mouse | Nursery Rhyme | Monachynivka, Kupianskyi District | 00:10 | ||||
Oh, there, on the mountain, a girl grazed horses | Ballad | Monachynivka, Kupianskyi District | 03:11 | ||||
Oh, there's a potion at home | Wedding | Tavilzhanka, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:23 |
Ой на хаті зілля, Ой на хаті ж зілля, | |||
But the Tatar brother | Wedding | Tavilzhanka, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:17 |
Та татарин-братічок, татарин, | |||
Dear friend... | Personal and Family Life | Tavilzhanka, Dvorichanskyi District | 01:04 | ||||
A seamstress from Kyiv | Wedding | Basove, Zolochivskyi District | 00:17 |
Із Київа швачка, Із Київа швачка, | |||
Oh, there behind the wood | Personal and Family Life | Basove, Zolochivskyi District | 01:44 | ||||
Even the sun hasn't set yet (not from the beginning) | Personal and Family Life | Basove, Zolochivskyi District | 02:25 | ||||
Oh, it's early, early, the chickens got drunk | Christmas Carol (Kolyadka) | Mechnikove, Dvorichanskyi District | 01:51 |
Ой рано, рано кури запили, Та ще й раніше Іванко й устав, Та Іванко устав, кудерьки зчесав, ....................., лучком забряжчав, Вставайте, браття, коней сідлайте | |||
Currant, but not a berry | Wedding | Hrushuvakha, Barvinkivskyi District | 02:24 |
Смородина, та й не ягода,
| |||
A widow lived on the edge of the village | Ballad | Kruchyk, Bohodukhivskyi District | 06:52 | ||||
Oh, you cat Ryabka | Lullaby | Kruchyk, Bohodukhivskyi District | 00:12 |
Ой, ти, котку Рябку, | |||
Sleep, baby, fight, fight | Lullaby | Kruchyk, Bohodukhivskyi District | 00:25 |
Спи, дитятко, баю, баю,
| |||
Sleep, baby, fight, fight 2 | Lullaby | Kruchyk, Bohodukhivskyi District | 00:12 |
Спи, дитятко, баю, баю, | |||
Melanochki walk, cornflowers are worn | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Oleksandrivka, Valkivskyi District | 00:18 |
Меланочки ходять, василечки носять: | |||
Come, little one, and to the table | Wedding | Oleksandrivka, Valkivskyi District | 02:15 |
Прийди, ненько, та й до столонька,
| |||
A cuckoo flew over my house | Recruit | Bahata Cherneshchyna, Sakhnovshchynskyi District | 01:34 | ||||
We branched out | Wedding | Bahata Cherneshchyna, Sakhnovshchynskyi District | 00:23 |
Ми гілечко вили, Ми гілечко вили, | |||
Don't go, don't go, that girl Mariyka | Wedding | Bahata Cherneshchyna, Sakhnovshchynskyi District | 02:29 |
Не йди, не йди, і ой, Бо в чужій слободі, і ой, Та велика сімня, ой, Та швиденько іди, е ой, Та швиденько я йшла, е ой, Та тіки я дійшла, е ой, Та тіко й увійшла, е ой, Та тіко увійшла, Ой, звиняй, звиняй, А вона другий раз ішла, Ой чи вечеряти, Та покотилась слізонька, А як ненька гляне, А чи тебе бито, І не бито, | |||
Oh, my heart is heavy, my heart is sick | Ballad | Bahata Cherneshchyna, Sakhnovshchynskyi District | 01:31 |
Recording location
Digital Archive of Folklore of Sloboda Ukraine and Poltava Region is an online home for the authentic musical folklore of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
The site features the best examples of traditional music: carols, shchedrivky, chumak songs, spring songs, Cossack songs, and lullabies. All materials are created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest use of the materials on the site for educational, research, and educational purposes, provided that the source is cited.
The site presents the best examples of traditional music: carols, schedrivkas, Chumat songs, freckle songs, Cossack songs, lullabies. All materials were created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest possible use of the materials posted on the site for educational, research and educational purposes, provided that the source is referenced.