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Audio | Title | Genre | Location | Durat. | Lyrics | Notes | |
Polka 2 | Instrumental Music | Velyka Danylivka, Kharkiv | 00:46 | ||||
Small box | Instrumental Music | Velyka Danylivka, Kharkiv | 01:36 | ||||
Krakowiak | Instrumental Music | Velyka Danylivka, Kharkiv | 01:07 | ||||
Don't go, young people | Wedding | Kyseli, Pervomaiskyi District | 00:55 |
Не йдіть, молодиці, Не йдіть, молодиці, | |||
But the ticks fly in two lines | Wedding | Kyseli, Pervomaiskyi District | 04:59 |
Та й летять галочки у два рядочки,
| |||
The Virgin became glad (fragment) | Christmas Carol (Kolyadka) | Hruzke, Borysivskyi District | 00:31 |
Діва рада стала як на небі хмара, | |||
A seagull hovers over the lake | Personal and Family Life | Hruzke, Borysivskyi District | 01:23 | ||||
Oh, there is a dry oak on the mountain | Personal and Family Life
Cossack | Khotmyzke, Borysivskyi District | 02:50 |
Ой на горі сухой дуб (двічі) Із-под бєлай бєрьози (двічі) Ой нєльзя ж коню воду піть, (двічі) Та й нєльзя мужу жену біть,(двічі) | |||
The woman went to the market | Humorous | Khotmyzke, Borysivskyi District | 01:52 |
Пішла жінка на базар сало покупати, Солі не купила, сало загубила, Трохи перегодом, лізе огородом, Ти думаєш, чоловіче, що я напилася, Ти думаєш, чоловіче, що я дуже п’яна, | |||
Oh, I'm bending on the hedge | Personal and Family Life | Zadonechke, Zmiivskyi District | 01:21 | ||||
My mother gave me early in marriage | Personal and Family Life | Chemuzhivka, Zmiivskyi District | 03:32 | ||||
Sus Christ sat down to dinner | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Zadonechke, Zmiivskyi District | 00:40 |
Сів Сус Христос вечеряти,
| |||
But in the field, in the field, there are three roads | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Chemuzhivka, Zmiivskyi District | 02:17 |
Та в полі, в полі, там три дороги,
| |||
We thought we had arrived | Wedding | Cherkaska Lozova, Kharkivskyi District | 00:21 |
Ми думали, що приїхали, Ми думали, що приїхали, | |||
Oh, the nightingale chirped in the garden | Wedding | Cherkaska Lozova, Kharkivskyi District | 00:16 |
Ой у саду соловей защебетав, защебетав, | |||
The girl jumped on Kupala fire | Midsummer (Kupala) | Ocheretove, Valkivskyi District | 00:26 |
Дівка на Купала на вогонь скакала, | |||
The plow was walking in a clean field | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka)
Sowing | Skovorodynivka, Zolochivskyi District | 00:24 |
В чистім полі плужок ходив, | |||
A green cucumber and a yellow flower | Wedding | Novyi Merchyk, Valkivskyi District | 04:06 | ||||
Oh, my girlfriends, there is a trouble, oh, a trouble | Neo-Traditional Folk | Dvorichna, Dvorichanskyi District | 00:42 |
Ой подруженьки біда, ой біда, | |||
Oh, in the field, the plow itself is plowing | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Buzove (Persha Buzova), Vovchanskyi District | 00:18 |
Ой у полі, полі сам плужок оре, |
Recording location
Digital Archive of Folklore of Sloboda Ukraine and Poltava Region is an online home for the authentic musical folklore of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
The site features the best examples of traditional music: carols, shchedrivky, chumak songs, spring songs, Cossack songs, and lullabies. All materials are created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest use of the materials on the site for educational, research, and educational purposes, provided that the source is cited.
The site presents the best examples of traditional music: carols, schedrivkas, Chumat songs, freckle songs, Cossack songs, lullabies. All materials were created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest possible use of the materials posted on the site for educational, research and educational purposes, provided that the source is referenced.