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Audio | Title | Genre | Location | Durat. | Lyrics | Notes | |
Oh, you an unmarried girl | Ballad | Budne, Okhtyrskyi District | 01:46 | ||||
A Cossack walked through the valley | Ballad | Kuzemyn, Okhtyrskyi District | 02:20 | ||||
Oh, I will die, I will pass away | Personal and Family Life | Kuzemyn, Okhtyrskyi District | 02:41 | ||||
Oh, chuk, chuk, chuk | Nursery Rhyme | Kuzemyn, Okhtyrskyi District | 00:12 | ||||
A dream walks by the window | Lullaby | Kuzemyn, Okhtyrskyi District | 00:33 |
Ходить сон коло віконця, | |||
Oh, blacksmith, blacksmith | Personal and Family Life
Ballad | Vyazova, Krasnokutskyi District | 08:34 | ||||
Today is Kupala, and tomorrow is Ivan | Midsummer (Kupala) | Dobropillia, Valkivskyi District | 01:00 |
(Сьогодні Купала,а завтра Івана, | |||
Both in the garden and in the forest | Personal and Family Life | Dobropillia, Valkivskyi District | 02:25 |
Як у саду, так і в лісі,
| |||
And our master has a tree in the middle of the yard | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Kotelva, Kotelevskyi District | 02:17 |
А в нашого пана серед двору древо,
| |||
And in this house it's like in paradise | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Kotelva, Kotelevskyi District | 01:06 |
А в цім домі як у раю,
| |||
Oh crane, crane | Service | Kotelva, Kotelevskyi District | 01:54 |
Ой журавко, журавко, Ой як мені не кричать, (Ой високо, високо, В клен-дерева листя є, Десь у мене мати є, Вона мене згадує, (двічі) Як вечерять сідає, Одна лишня ложечка є, Десь у мене дитя є. Одбилося од роду, Не дай Боже заболіть, Не дай Боже помирать, Т | |||
A Cossack was riding from the war | Personal and Family Life | Novyi Merchyk, Valkivskyi District | 02:40 | ||||
A sycamore stands over the water | Personal and Family Life | Novyi Merchyk, Valkivskyi District | 04:41 | ||||
Why is the nightingale sad | Personal and Family Life | Novyi Merchyk, Valkivskyi District | 04:46 | ||||
Gray horse, green carriage | Instrumental Music
Humorous | Dobrovilia, Blyzniukivskyi District | 01:09 |
Сірий кінь, зелена бричка, А як ....моя мила, Візьме кіста на лопату, Ми не будемо жениться, Нажмем кнопку по радіву, Більш не будемо жениться! | |||
Balamuta | Instrumental Music | Dobrovilia, Blyzniukivskyi District | 00:59 | ||||
Mistress | Instrumental Music | Dobrovilia, Blyzniukivskyi District | 00:58 | ||||
Polka butterfly | Instrumental Music | Dobrovilia, Blyzniukivskyi District | 00:46 | ||||
We are blacksmiths | Instrumental Music | Chepil, Balakliiskyi District | 00:43 | ||||
Sus Christ sat down to dinner | New Year Carol (Shchedrivka) | Lyman, Zmiivskyi District | 03:48 |
Сів Сус Христос вечеряти,
Recording location
Digital Archive of Folklore of Sloboda Ukraine and Poltava Region is an online home for the authentic musical folklore of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
The site features the best examples of traditional music: carols, shchedrivky, chumak songs, spring songs, Cossack songs, and lullabies. All materials are created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest use of the materials on the site for educational, research, and educational purposes, provided that the source is cited.
The site presents the best examples of traditional music: carols, schedrivkas, Chumat songs, freckle songs, Cossack songs, lullabies. All materials were created to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of the eastern regions of Ukraine.
We encourage the widest possible use of the materials posted on the site for educational, research and educational purposes, provided that the source is referenced.